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Corporate Donor Levels
Executive Producer Sponsor

For your generous support of our program, you will get your name above the show title on all advertising including program, social media, ticketing, sponsor banner and all print ads after your funds are recieved; your name, logo and clickable link on the ticketing page and all social media; mention in all subsequent press relieases, announcements and media engagements, and 10 complimentary tickets to the show!

Producer Sponsor

For your generous donation, you will get a full page ad in the program, your logo on our show banner, your name and logo on all online and printed publicity for the show, show merch, and 6 free tickets to the show! Show level perks not cumulative between levels..

Director Sponsor

For your generous sponsorship, you will get a half-page ad in the program, logo on the show banner, mention in the pre-show advertisements, a signed cast photo and 5 tickets to the show (thank-you perks not cumulative from previous levels)

Principal Sponsor

For your generosity, we will thank you with a quarter-page ad in our prgram, plus logo recognition in the lobby on our sponsorship banner for the entire run of the show, as well as four free tickets! Tickets not cumulative from previous levels.

Ensemble Sponsor

To thank you, youi will get a quarter-sized advertisement in our program. You will also receive two tickets to the show (sponsorship thank-yous are not cumulative).


Your name or business name will be included on the Thank You page in the program. You will also get one complimentary ticket to the show.
